Name or Nickname: az-shootist (Phoenix area entrepreneur, museum owner and Veteran)
Location: AZ
Date: 7-9-09
Book: A Small Matter of Destiny
Comments: "In the early 70's I read a book entitled "The Greatest Secret in the World" by Og Mandino. It changed my life. I had never read anything like it before or since. That is until now.
From the very beginning until the final sentence, this story grabbed me with feelings and emotions I've not experienced in a literary work in over 35 years. The author's ability to paint mental pictures--no, more like whole landscapes--was unexpected. The characters became alive in an instant and I found myself talking out loud to MYSELF. Comments like, "I sure didn't see that coming" or "You have got to be kidding!" were more and more intense with each chapter. As my dear wife was fond of saying, "It's a real page-turner" (I was never really sure what that meant until now). I honestly was expecting much less when I read the preview and sample pages. A cross between "The Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars" (..."Luke, use the force...") would have been entertaining and all too expected. What I found instead was totally unexpected and really quite profound. It was not a fantasy, but rather one of the most moving "self-help" motivational books I've ever read (and I've read hundreds of them!).
The story line was fast paced, full of adventure and intrigue, with plot twists and numerous life or death situations. Through it all, there's a theme that's hiding in the wings--you know it's there but you're having so much fun following the action you forget. Then, out of nowhere, it hits you! The secret of a happy and successful life is laid right in your lap with a gigantic "thud". And you never even saw it coming. This could be the next great summer epic motion picture. I'd buy a ticket, even though I already know the ending."
Name or Nickname:
Comments: "Please send your comments, testimonials or endorsements to nicolasambrosebooks [at] outlook [dot] com. Thank you!"